Introducing Communication Documents

Since the beginning of VetRec, we always provided discharge notes as part of our core workflow to help veterinarians with the end to end process of caring for patients. These discharges were fairly basic, but did the job for many of our users. It meant that within 30-60s from their consult finishing, they had a piece of paper they could hand to their patient with a summary of what was discussed during the consult, any follow up and recommendations that needed to be taken.

As VetRec evolved, and so did our users, the number of use cases that we support has grown. Today, we provide scribing and documentation services to doctors across the spectrum of practices. As such they have been asking us for a more diverse set of communication documents that they can use with their patients and colleagues. What if VetRec could automatically generate emails, text messages and even rDVM letters from medical notes, that would make these doctors even more efficient.

Today, we are introducing Communication Documents. A full fledge set of tooling to generate communications related documentation like discharge notes, rDVM letters and even Kids Stories to hand to younger owners / pet parents. We have built this from the ground up taking advantage of the industry leading Template Builder that VetRec provides and our fast and reliable platform to generate documents in seconds. We are also supporting key features that doctors LOVED from our original discharge notes feature like translation, so that your clients get their documents in their native language, and direct export to PDF to print and hand out.

Communication documents are available to all of our existing users and all new users starting today!

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